Monday, February 2, 2009

18 Month Update

Today was Tanners 18 month well care check up. It's been 6 months since his last appointment, and I was anxious to see where he placed on all of the percentiles. I knew he would be getting some shots but tried not to think about it. Tanner also has a cold so I didn't know what was going to happen.......

So here are the stats: 32 1/2"(50% in height), average head size, and 21.9 lbs. (5% in weight.)( Yikes!!) Tanner has always been a little guy, and lately his appetite hasn't been the same but....... I just felt so awful! The Dr. wasn't too worried because he said Tanner looks like a very healthy boy, but suggested that we try and get as much high calorie food in him as we can. As for the shots I couldn't believe how great it went! I had heard some horror stories from friends so I was really anticipating the worst. Tanner didn't cry one bit. Just a few squiggles and it was all done. He was so good the nurse even gave him cookies : )

Other than the weight issue I thought my little man did a great job!
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trip to Ballard....

Hi all- I've decided that it's (finally) time to create a family blog! It will allow you to take a peek into our daily lives and of course get updates on our little love bug Tanner. I'm very new to this so bare with me ; )

Tomorrow the fam is headed to Ballard, to spend the weekend with our good friends Nick and Gretchen. It will be Tanners first sleep over and his first trip to the Seattle Science Center. We're really looking forward to it!! When we get back I will post some pics..... hopefully sooner than later.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!